英 语
The bar chart belows shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in
five regional call centers:
1. The actual number of calls taken per hour in Region SW fell 10% short of the target set-what was
the target number of calls per hour?
2. An increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in Region NW is planned.
If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase
in the total number of calls taken per hour?
3. If the ratio of permanent to temporary staff in Region SE was the same as for Region E,
but the total number of staff remained the same, what would be the change in calls handed per hour?
4. Which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff?
财 会
1. 某企业2009年6月30日有关资料为:资产总额695000元,负债总额335000元,实收资本200000元,资本公积20000元,
盈余公积14000元,则未分配利润为( )元。
2. 甲公司长期持有乙公司60%的股权,采用成本法核算。2009年1月1日,该项投资账面价值为1300万元。2009年度乙公司
实现净利润2000万元,宣告发放现金股利1200万元。假设不考虑其他因素,2009年12月31日该项投资账面价值为( )万元。
3. 企业缴纳的下列税金,应通过“应交税费”科目核算的有()。
4. 某股份有限公司按法定程序报经批准后采用收购本公司股票方式减资,购回股票支付价款低于股票面值总额的,